Looking down into the hive.
Macadamia nuts on the tree.
Sally and Wendy hanging out.
Banana bloom. See the little flowers at the end of the baby bananas?
A beautiful frame of brood, all the capped cells have baby bees in them.
Macadamia blossoms.
Sunflower - Grandma Lois sent me seeds. They grew to over 10 feet tall. Harvested the seeds - yum!
A very large bunch of apple bananas.
Coffee cherries, ready to harvest.
Samoan coconut. They stay short so you can actually reach the coconuts!
Coffee, red and ready to pick.
Macadamia nuts, drying on racks.
Beautiful honeycomb - nice white cappings. Just harvested from the bee hive.
Our hydrangea is in full bloom. It reminds me of home!
Check out this neon Tillandsia!
This plant is actually this bright! Hot pink and purple tillandsia.
Wild Orchid
This is a volunteer orchid that just decided to show up in my garden!

Huge coffee crop this year - thanks bees!
Carnivorus Pitcher Plant - It's getting huge!
Fabio found the farm. Wendy's in love!
A new cattleya orchid finally bloomed!
Avocado tree - loaded! Thanks Bees!!
Red Ginger - Loving the sun

Passion Flower - Called "Lilikoi" in Hawaii

One of the girls hard at work on a macadamia blossom.

Gorgeous Green Orchid - A good friend gave this one to me recently :)

Hawaiian Hawk Visit
I had a visitor to the farm today. A juvenile Hawaiian Hawk ('lo) perched on a macadamia branch right behind the house for lunch. They have been on the endangered list since 1967 but are making a great recovery. This one let me watch it very close for quite some time, what a treat!
I am so excited for this! Can anyone guess what it is?
Vanilla! Seven flowers opened today - got a lot of practice pollinating. I hope they all take and start a bean. :)
Vanilla Orchid Flower - a close up view.
100% Raw Hawaiian Artisanal Honey

Mahalo for your support!

Thank you for your support!

Bounty from the farm! Nutmeg, mace, cloves, and roasted cacoa nibs.